Part No: M690
Manufacturer: TEDCO
Stock No: 3553-GG1
SKU No: 215982

Image is for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to product description.
REG. $17.95
$12.95 CAD SAVE $5
Stock may not be available at all store locations. Inventory quantites can change without notice.
The Mighty-Mindz Multimedia Planets kit familiarises you with the wonders of the solar system,it's planets and other major scientific features such as gravitational pull, comets and asteroids. Combined with a solar system model, the interactive CD-ROM learning kit contains fun games, activities and stimulating graphics that will engage, entertain and educate.
Ages 6+
Windows/Mac compatable
Limited Stock Available To purchase, Please contact our Sales Department
(+1-416-494-8999) or email shop@sayal.com